College Enrollment Services @ The Hub

Enrolling in post-secondary education, any education beyond high school, is the first step towards advancing your career. With the number of educational opportunities available to you, it may seem overwhelming to navigate the ins and outs to find the institution that matches your needs. C-CREO Hub will help you find the right institutions and meet all the enrollment deadlines to complete your applications.

College Research

Searching for the right program and completing the application process can be stressful. You must have all the facts to be able to make the right decisions.  At the C-CREO Hub, we assist you with college comparison in areas like academic programs, overall cost, student life, and other areas that contribute to major life decision.

College Admission Assistance and Policies

With all the ongoing changes and updates at college admissions offices, we can help you navigate their systems to complete all requirements.  Some policies may prevent you from moving forward in the admissions process. We can help you face those obstacles.

College Admission Interviewing Skills

At the C-CREO Hub, we provide coaching in gaining interview skills that can give you an advantage.  Participate in a mock interview to gather experience and confidence.  Let us assist you with needed skills to make a difference.

Resume Building

We will assist with resume building strategies to ensure that it captures interest.  Our staff will provide suggestions for a more impactful resume.

Virtual College Tours

Most colleges have virtual tours that allow you to explore their facilities and become familiar with their services.  This is a quick and easy way to learn about what a particular college campus has to offer.