Goal Setting Strategies @ The Hub

College represents a whole new level in your life that will require you to set goals and a timeline for completion. Without goals to focus your attention, you can easily be distracted, or completely overwhelmed. C-CREO Hub will teach you to set clear goals, manage your time, and utilize problem-solving skills.

Post-Secondary Plan

College Access Professionals at the C-CREO Hub will assist you in creating a post-secondary plan that leads to the career you want.  We will guide you through the complex process of college admissions, financial aid, and other areas by providing you with the needed tools and skills to achieve your goals.  Visit the C-CREO Hub and start your plan today.


Time Management

There are not enough hours in the day to accomplish everything we want. Finding the right balance requires time management skills. This takes practice and experience and will alleviate stress and promote success.


Problem Solving

Finding solutions when faced with difficult or complex issues requires good problem- solving skills.  Facing challenges with resilience, being able to communicate, and work on a team will increase your employability and will improve your soft skills.