Promoting Healthy Students

Santa Cruz County School Superintendents Office

This three-year initiative seeks to prevent violence in the community by implementing school-wide programs that will raise awareness through training and proactive measures. In addition, PHSI seeks to institute positive learning environments, while providing small group and individualized services. The project will also create partnerships with community-based agencies and local law enforcement in a coordinated effort to reduce incidences of violence in the county.


With the unique challenges created by the pandemic and distance learning, Promoting Healthy Students will work diligently to address the needs of our county students. Their overall health and well-being will be of utmost importance as the program moves forward.





U .S. Department of Justice










Funding for our program comes from the United States Department of Justice under the Bureau of Justice Affairs:  STOP School Violence Program.


We are committed to raising awareness through training and proactive measures to ensure the safety and social emotional well-being of students in Santa Cruz County.


  • Prepare school staff to identify warning signs in students
  • Improve protective factors
  • Reduce and address risk factors
  • Optimize and improve resources and services provided by local agencies

Meet & Greet

In the fall, PHSI sponsored the annual Meet and Greet event that brings together agencies and school personnel.  The purpose of the event is to allow school personnel to get to know all of the agencies in our community and the services that they offer.  Over 100 participants attended the yearly event co-sponsored by Adolescent Wellness Network and the Santa Cruz County CCRT.  Click on the following link to view the live Facebook video:

Teacher Training

Trauma Informed Care was at the heart of this year’s goal of creating awareness and sharing knowledge surrounding trauma in youth.  Over 345 teachers were trained across the county in all five of our school districts.  Participants learned about trauma, brain development, stress response in youth, and strategies to address the unique needs of students who have experienced trauma.  Teacher training is a key pro-active measure creating positive and safe environments in schools.

Student Workshops

PHSI held students workshops at schools across the county.  Approximately 975 students participated in the workshops aimed at helping students identify their emotions and learn coping skills.  Students were able to discuss and share their feelings and were given tools and strategies that help regulate their feelings.

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